• Call Us (002) 01022223668
  • Email Us info@technotrans-eg.com
  • Opening times Sut - TH: 09 am - 05 pm
About US


TECHNOTRANS Transportation Company is the name of a new company which is the result of the merger of three big Egyptian companies with professional approaches and unique set of experience and knowledge. We are a private company initially established in 2011. .

Working hours

We work 5 days a week, every day including major holidays. Contact us for any info.

Sat - TH:09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Keep in touch
  • 23 Dawlatian Street - Elsahel Area - Cairo - Egypt.
  • (002) 021960503
  • (002) 01022223668
  • info@technotrans-eg.com